Hey guys and gals
I don’t know about you, but this is something that has me turning up my face often in disgust, wrinkling my nose and wanting to wretch whilst quietly screaming ‘WHY?” ‘WHY? OH WHY? OH WHY?'
You know men, I love you guys, really I do. For how God created you – you’ve done pretty well to hold that space. Most of my friends are male, not being boastful or anything. Do you think this may have something to do with my mis-guided sense of status?
Anyway, do you know how many times I am out in public, minding my own business and then a member of the male species does it again? Whether he is in his car, waiting at a bus stop, train station, engrossed in his paper, he just seems to do it anywhere and anyplace. So there I’d be standing minding my own business, watching the world go by, thinking about everything and nothing at all then he goes and spoils the whole shabang. The I’m digging for silver up my dirty little or big nose. Finger up the nose, static there for a while then he has a good dig, a shuffle, a little to the left then a little to the right, finger still up the nose, static (like he’s waiting for Santa to come and give him a pressy) then the offending finger is pulled out into the public arena, looked at, admired, tasted, chewed on then hey presto…finger goes right back up the snout again.
Now don’t’ get me wrong. Whatever a person does to his or her body is his or her own personal choice and life is about choice - Is it not? But when my sense of being is thrown out of keel, when I feel as if I want to throw up last nights dinner, the night before dinner and dinner from last Christmas, that is when I feel the vexation starting to take over. I am usually a calm, mild mannered person. Can be outspoken when I feel people are being taken for granted or when people are not honest, can’t stand dishonesty, but the only other time is when my hormones speak for me is when dirtyness like this occurs in my peripheral vision.
Ok, some of you may not class it as dirtyness, after all the nose is part of the body and snot, yes my leetle peoples, snot is a product of our internal make-up. You know what I say to that? ‘Whateva!!’ Do you know how many times, I’ve wished I had a frizbee to fling at the offending hand as it was digging away? Do you know how many times, I’ve wanted to curse loud enough for My Man to look up, thinking he’d be embarrassed because he had been caught unawares!! Only to find he’d go back to the digging and licking and tasting again?
I’ve now decided to do some research about this as I feel it is not just a male thing , but there must be something psychological about this type of behavior. Maybe it goes back to childhood, maybe something to do with being breast fed or not being breast fed or whatever the case, but I would hope to share my findings with you all at some stage. In the meantime, please bear with me whilst I wretch a little more……
And ladies, get your man to wash his hands before he even turns the handle to your front door - seriously......It's bad enough them going to the gents and waltzing out without washing their hands..... as if 'air' is an antiseptic......CHA