What’s new and what’s up? Well a lot actually.
I am watching my life swirl around me with the greatest of delights knowing that ‘things will never be the same, life keeps changing.’ It’s a great place to be, knowing and feeling that things are going to happen this year and big things too.
Yet in the midst of all this swirling and building and creating and excitement, my flat has had to take the fall. In the busyness of working towards my aim something has had to give. If you happen to knock on my door, it would seem as if I have been bombed and burgled such is the state of my place. Actually between you and me, I’m surprise Rentokil haven’t been around.
Over the past 6 months more so than ever before, I have been able to just look at the squalor around me and then walk away, without a tear in my eye and without feeling the need to torch the place. I have given up shouting at my children to do their chores, I simply walk away.
My room is usually kept in a nice, clean state and that is all that matters. It is my little piece of heaven in a pit. Getting used to the smell is another thing though and one that I am slowly coming to terms with. Burning lavender ebbs the smell away somewhat and has an amazing tranquil effect on me too – which I am sure has saved my children from verbal diarrhea and ‘cussings’ from my good self, on many occasions.
My two teenagers both over 6ft now and getting lazier by the micro-second and are in their own world. Hence why the place is the way it is. It is not merely that I am incredibly busy, but my children have become incredibly lazy.
The eldest one has got his heart caught up with a young lady who at the moment seems to be playing ping pong with him and the poor mitre doesn’t know if he is coming, going or gone. I am not sure how much more I can take that ‘forlorn, love-struck look’ on his miserable face, without wanting to slam two saucepans between his head shouting at him to ‘wake up boyo, this love thing sometimes sucks’ ….ooops there I go with the violence.
Please be mindful peeps that I do so love my boys and would never ever do anything to injure them. ( I am indeed a woman of good nature and as gentle as a wall flower.) He is such a gentleman and gentle soul this eldest son of mine. Had this been my younger son, well, she would’ve been given her marching orders from time and without remorse as he settled back to counting his money or playing his games. The younger one is a little more hard-core – you really don’t want to be on the receiving end at times.
Then there is the youngest (eldest) son, who takes no prisoners and speaks his mind and who is spending a considerable amount of time playing his Xbox or whatever you call those contraptions. I am surprised his fingers have not merged into his keyboard, control panel thingy bobby thing and that his eyes are not swiveling at 360 degrees in his sockets. There have been many times, I have been tempted to rip out the electricity box and ram it up his…….mattress (ah, you all thought I was going to get rude then didn’t you?).
I meditate a lot you know. Keeps me balanced and centred and in a wonderful state of peace. I call it my Nirvana - a place in my mind that feels as if it is smoking something to ease da pressha.) So that even when I walk into my kitchen and every pot and pan and plate are huddled in the sink together – food left overs oozing from under them, around them and on top of them – I sometimes merely grab a black bin liner and smiling like a deranged banshee, drop the offending items calmly into the bag.
Other times I have simply washed what I have needed to wash and then hid them.
I remember doing that last month – thinking I was being very bright and clever, hiding my good cups and saucers, then a visitor presented herself at my door. I was most perplexed and vex. It rather startled the hairs off my chest as I am not one to have visitors often.
So there I was three hours into the conversation on a rather freezing cold day, hoping that somehow my visitor would up and leave without me having to offer her a drink and my last peppermint tea bag at that (as I had also refused to shop for a while). But after hour 5 and with her still sitting in my room yabbering on, my visitor actually had to ask whether she could have a CUPPA. I remember looking at her with my good eye thinking I would rather ‘CUFF HER’ then offer her a ‘CUPPA’ (oh dear there I go again, with the violence) and then I spent the next 20 minutes trying to find the hidden treasure.
I eventually found a cup but no saucer and decided to make do. I was also extremely upset because I had to use my last peppermint tea bag. As mentioned before, I had downed tools when it came to shopping, so my cupboards literally had pasta, a few tea bags and a few gloves of garlic in them. To think that I would now have to go shopping to buy back my peppermint tea bags left me quite aghast, because that one tea bag was going to last for me another few days.
On the whole, I am managing well, thank you very much. It’s wonderful to step inside ones own world whilst the world around you grinds into chaos.
So my advice to all you parents out there who simply want a nice clean tidy house?? Send them to University in Australia. Just thinking about making the 24 hours round trip home would be enough to put them off visiting home often and in case you cannot quite persuade them to travel so far afield, then paper plates is the way to go.
So I’m off now to seek the tea spoon I hid last night amongst my underwear. Wish me luck as I mean the underwear in my dirty bin. Now that’s the plan – to hide things where they would never ever want to venture to even if it was the last teaspoon on earth – I am sure they would rather use their big toe, if it came to that.
Much love
Auntie E