Hello Peeps
I do apologise if you are now rapidly heading down the slippery slope towards causing an allegiance with the whiskey bottle due to my absence on this site. I realise many of you must be on the brink of going into withdrawal symptoms. But rest assured, I am here now and will not leave you for the next 15 minutes or so.
It certainly has been a while, since I have put thoughts to computer and I simply must stop making excuses for why I cannot update my blog at least once a week, or at a push every fortnight. Maybe if I got paid to spend time racking my brain to entertain the masses, when I could be out making money to feed my children, at least this could be some sort of reward. But alas, I have taken it upon my own good self to offer this service, totally free of charge out of the goodness of my heart, so I will have to shove “Ego” and “arrogance” back into their dark hole and just get on with the matter at hand.
Well, if you take a look at my inspirational blog http://www.emotionsintransit.blogspot.com, you will see that I have written a piece there about being frank about my emotional truth. You will see that I have struggled with feelings of anger and resentment of late, which were geared towards a relative of mine, therefore I will deem to take a rather comical look at the situation from this end. Forget the niceties of the spiritual kind on “Laugh at life with me” – If I really want to get honest and frank about things – this is the place for it all to happen, in the context of humour’s glorious entrapping. The truth, somehow doesn’t seem to hurt so much when wrapped up in a laugh or two.
Yes, I did struggle with my feelings to remain cordial to this said individual for a few months. Do not think that feelings of destruction often railed up within me such as thoughts of throwing something through the air at a very rapid pace, with the intent to cause damage to a said part of the individual’s body. Or indeed, to hope that the chair upon which the said individual was sitting upon would somehow loose all hope of existing and cave under her weight, sending her crashing to the floor, whereupon I would be tempted to walk over and give her a good kick in the ribs. Oh dear, you see there I go, see what you have made me do. Terrible, terrible of me. And there I was, as I mentioned on my inspirational blog, walking around all coy and innocent, standing for purity and honesty reading “The Essence of Buddha, The Path to Enlightenment” of all books, whilst having these dastardly thoughts in my mind.
Oh hypocrite, I hear some of you murmur. Well indeed you are quite right and further more the most violent of thoughts came when I was sleeping. How absurd. Even during a time when the mind should be at rest and peace, the evil in me presented its wicked self even more. I am not saying I gloated at being in this rather negative place, but at times yes, it did feel good, especially as I would watch this said individual waddle around attired in night robe for the best part of the day…eat, sleep, watch tv and give orders – what a pig of a person I thought. Alas, this therefore identified that I had some serious issues to deal with myself, but because I was being all pig ignorant and had chosen to blame someone else for what I really knew I should be dealing with…which was to kick her asp to the curb…..oh dear there I go again. This is not what I meant. What I meant to say was…….I knew I should be dealing with moi, Me, Je, I.
Yet looking at someone else and blaming them for short-comings is in a way very very childish and naughty. But like I said, Laugh at Life is just about that. No need to be too concerned about the niceties and realities of how life should operate.
So to end, I say, yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s nice and all that to be spiritually connected and to walk the talk, but sometimes don’t you just want to be with the 95% of the masses whose thoughts are 75% negative and who the glass as half empty ratherthan half full and then you have the delight of moaning and complaining and bitching about everything and experiencing life in a really depressing and monotone way – yep sounds just up my street, well for a short period anyways.
Until next time