My Dear Followers
May I stealthily approach you regarding my absence of late. Or maybe I need to approach you humbly but that’s as far as I am going to take this, otherwise, I may take on your feelings of guilt and end up dragging my carcass to sit at your feet subserviently. And peeps, I am not that apologetic.
Now, I feel many of you may, due to feelings of neglect which have turned to bitterness, resentment, loneliness, blah, blah, blah may feel that you no longer wish to be entertained by my good self. Hmm, reminds me of that saying about a woman scorned!! You may even wish to cut me off from your mailing list, disconnect me from your “favourites” box, delete my name from your memory, obliterate my picture which adorns every crevice of your home, even throw darts. I know that this is simply because you are suffering from withdrawal symptoms and that you love me dearly, yet you are highly unlikely to be honest enough to admit that you have missed me and my words of encouragement and sometimes silly and rather stupid meanderings. But that’s ok, because I still lurv you. (So she says with a bitter sweet taste in her mouth).
I guess another reason, other than been busier than Obama and his gorgeous wife is that I have nothing truly comical to impart to you anymore. Has the humour dried up you may well ponder, whilst thinking, she’s stalling for time, she’s bluffing because she truly has nothing to say, the dried up old tart. Well you may be right. The sense of humour I once owned, seems to have disappeared or maybe it’s just shifted slightly to a more drier form of wit, one that would bore you into slumber.
Maybe this is be a hormonal thing. What with being over 40 and all that, and watching as gravity shifts body parts into places that cause great discomfort and hang in a totally new and hapless way. What with watching friends and family around you degenerate from happy go lucky, slap on the back “looking good” people to lifeless shadows of their former selves, disgruntled, older, greyer, wider, rounder, more miserable, always doing the complaining thang, always doing the “I wish I had” thang – like I really care – shoulda, woulda, coulda I say. Yep this would certainly dis-empower anyone’s sense of humour. Yet, I am glad to say, I am not so easily manipulated by other people's moods and feelings, so therefore I can only blame this whole lack of communication and interaction with your good selves on my lack of motivation. There that will shut you all up for now.
So for now, I will leave you to ponder carefully as to whether you truly wish me to continue in this vainless and hapless babble of confusion and non-directional wit. Maybe you should try Youtube. I hear there is much there to laugh about, but you will never find the wit truly the same as on Laugh At Life With Me and I can assure you, I feel that very soon, I may break into a whole chorous of laughter which I will then explode onto my blog and there is the possibility that you will never have laughed so hard in your life and you will berate your naughty selves for ever thinking me boring and hapless in the first place.
So until I feel to grace you with my presence again, this side of Christmas 2009, taa, tar until whenever….