Well, my hungry followers – how are you today?
I don’t know about how it is faring in your part of the world, but we are still having four seasons in one day in Sunny/Grey maybe I’m hot or let’s go luke warm old London. I have a tendency not to be fooled by the weather anymore especially from an experience I had last year so now I always have tucked away within the deep recess of my handbag, an extra vest or cardigan. Now, I can do “cold” believe me, but I need to be warm, to do “cold”, if you catch my drift.
I remember last year there was a time when the sun had risen to a most splendid hue of golden orange and it was quite warm. I, in folly, upon looking out of my bedroom window and thinking summer had finally arrived, had hastened out of my place of abode, with a delightful skip, hop and a jump. Oh, how the sun had caught my naked skin as I bared my arms and my stocking free legs to the world. I remember looking down at my legs thinking, I had better shave the old legs, for they looked quite hairy. But by the afternoon, there was no point in thinking about shaving nor sun cream as the sun had died a rather slow wintry death and I had to scramble into the nearest High Street Shop to purchase a woolly.
I am always amused at how the masses hit the parks and any open space really, just to try to catch that bit of sun so they can waltz home that evening either sporting a rather golden orange hue or shivering their pants off as temperatures dip into winter mode. Yet the sun certainly does something to our spirits and souls. It brings everyone alive. Do you realise how nice people are to each other or should I say nicer, more friendly and welcoming? When the sun is out? All this road rage rubbish (just another excuse for a punch up with the beer) seems to just fly out of the window when the sun is up, check out the below scenarios:
WINTER SCENARIO - A guy walks to the centre of the road and stands there, checking out some hussy as she sassays her half naked self along. Being male, he is obviously in a state of trauma and shock, unable to move or even think (which I am sure is not so hard to do). There is now a tail back of traffic for at least 1 mile. People are cursing him, horns are honking and my man is in a world of his own. He turns around and gives them a few blinding words with a couple of victory signs. The temperature starts to build - people are getting angry, one man gets out of his car with a pole, another man gets out of his car with a baseball bat, another man gets out of his car with a chain, one female gets out of her car with lipstick in hand. The threats rise, anger boils and builds and Mista Man is still on Cloud 75, because he ain’t moving for no-one.
SUMMER SCENARIO - A guy walks to the centre of the road and stands there, checking out some hussy as she sassays her half naked self along. Being male, he is obviously in a state of trauma and shock, unable to move or even think (which I am sure is not so hard to do). Traffic is building up – It’s hot inside the cars, temperatures are rising. Men get out of their cars and begin to strip down, staring at anything that is remotely clad in anything that resembles nudity. They smile and wave at the guy who has stopped the traffic. “Wanna beer” someone shouts. “Yeah, sounds good” another offers. Traffic is a now about 5 miles long
I can’t quite remember where I was heading with this story actually, that really sucks, doesn’t it, other than to say keep it warm and enjoy what little bit of sun might escape through the clouds. You could always catch a tan in some seedy place marked “Massage Parlour”